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Jesus Withdrew

If we choose not to replenish ourselves at the well of His goodness we will suffer a life of spiritual dehydration.

Building the Dynamics of the "One Another’s"

Real community is going to be tough at times.

Spiritual Growth Online

Growthfinder is an online tool that will help you assess your spiritual health.

Gauging the Health of Your Group

Tools to help see where you're going strong, and where you might need a little support.

Is Your Agenda Killing Your Group?

The proper place of a plan in your meetings.

People-Focused Group Agendas

Your leadership doesn't have to be polished, it just has to be passionate.

Planning Great Meetings

Believe it or not, the Bible isn't against the notion of planning.

Facing Adversity

How do you respond when facing a difficult situation?

The Leadership Development Process

A chart that shows the development process of Small-Group Leaders

Time to Stretch

Use a rubber band to help group members talk about what stretches them.

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